Cure Quote: Moms vs Medicine

A thorn in the flesh would ultimately be cured by Nature. It would heal out; but this would be a painful, a tedious, perhaps a dangerous process. The surgeon extracts the thorn; the case is now a simple wound that heals in a day.”
Strachan, John M, Nature in the Cure of Disease : a lecture, 1861

Theory of Cure

A cure is a cure. An element of cure, an elementary cure is present when a causal element of illness has been successfully addressed.

Extracting the thorn is a cure. If a doctor extracts the thorn, we might call it a medical cure – but few doctors, when extracting thorns, claim to cure. Instead, they might suggest that the patient cures through healing, that a cure cannot be broken into elements, and therefore – the doctor did not “cure,” they only aided the cure.

In the theory of cure, a cure, an element of cure is an intentional action to address a cause of the illness. It makes no difference if the cure is accomplished by self, perhaps by a dog biting the wound, pushing the thorn out, by a grandmother with a tweezers, or perhaps a grandchild operating on grandad, or a nurse or surgeon in a clinic or hospital. It’s the same action.

A cure.

Cure Quotes is a collection of over 3000 quotations about cure. Clicking on the cure quote link provides a random cure quote.

to your health, tracy
Author: A New Theory of Cure

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