There is one kind of cure that is largely invisible to current medical theory and practice. How can a cure be invisible?
There are exactly two fundamental types of cures, based on cause – attribute cures and causal cures. Current conventional and alternative medical theories only recognize attribute cures.
Causal cures are invisible.
Attribute Cures
What’s the difference between an attribute cure and a causal cure?
All cures are transformations. There is sometimes debate about curing the patient, the disease, or even the symptoms. Many medical theories see the patient as transformed to cured.
An illness consists of its present cause and it’s ongoing consequences. The present cause is the cause that is presently, causing signs, symptoms, and damage. It is the cause which, when successfully addressed – transformed – the illness has been cured. Of course, the actual cure process might take time to complete and heal.
The present cause of the illness is transformed and the illness is cured. – we had a cut, now it’s gone. Healed – a form of cure. We had a cold, now it’s gone. Cured. We were depressed – now we’re upbeat. Cured. An attribute cure occurs when we transform an attribute, or noun cause of an illness to produce a cure.
Surgery modifies, transforms, – cures – a cleft lip. Our immune system kills and removes the bacteria causing an infection. An addition of supplemental Vitamin C cures the scorbutic state by addressing, removing the Vitamin C deficiency.
Causal Cures – invisible
Cure: “To remedy or eradicate, to cure a bad habit” (Funk and Wagnel, 1989)
Cure: “To get rid of or counteract (an ailment, evil, bad habit, etc.)” (Merriam-Webster, 1997)
What is a causal cure? A causal cure is a process cure. It occurs and continues to exist when we transform a process. A causal cure, a process cure, is ongoing – not a one-time action. A process transformation must be maintained – to maintain the cure. Causal cures are works in progress – like life.
A process that is causing illness might be modified by adding, changing, or removing some aspect of the process to produce a cure. When we change an attribute in the process – that’s an attribute cure. When we change the process, it’s a causal cure. A causal cure requires ongoing maintenance of the change.
Causal cures are preventative cures
When we are not ill, preventative cures prevents illness. After we are cured, they must be maintained to prevent illness. When we are ill – they cure. But, we must not confuse a causal cure with statistical preventatives, like seat belts, or bike helmets, that do not cure. When we are sick, cures are better than non-curative preventatives.
Let’s look deeper into scurvy.
The scorbutic state of scurvy is cured with supplemental Vitamin C. However, Vitamin C does not address the cause of the scorbutic state. The cause is usually a process, not a Vitamin, not an attribute.
When the patient has a temporary Vitamin C deficiency or scurvy, Vitamin C supplementation will cure. When a baby has scurvy because the foods they are eating don’t contain Vitamin C, supplemental Vitamin C cures – later, their dietary processes change, providing the permanent cure.
However, when a patient has scurvy because they are alcoholic or addicted to drugs, or too old, or too poor to buy, prepare, and eat health healthy foods, supplemental Vitamin C will not cure. Not only that – those patients probably have other nutritional illnesses as a result of poor diet. Vitamin C cannot cure these either.
An addict suffering from scurvy has two illnesses:
- the scorbutic state is a simple illness, easily cured when supplemental Vitamin C addresses the present cause.
- the ongoing dietary deficiency of Vitamin C caused by the addiction.
A cure of scurvy, in an addict, requires an attribute cure – to transform the scorbutic state – and also a causal cure – that ensures the patient’s diet improves on an ongoing basis. Our current medical theory ignores the causal cures. They’re invisible.
Any illness with an ongoing cause can only be cured with causal cure. We might transform the illness state – but it will often reoccur. Many chronic diseases are what we call lifestyle diseases, caused by faulty life processes. The only cure is to transform the faulty process, an ongoing cure, a causal cure.
In our current medical systems, all cures are considered one-time. The concept of an ongoing cure action, of a preventative cure, a causal cure, simply does not exist. An addict’s scurvy might be cured by curing their addiction – but that cure is not recognized as a cure of scurvy. All causal cures are invisible in current medical theory.
Once we understand the concept of a causal cure, it’s easier to see them.
All cures are transformations. Some are transformations of things. Some are transformations of life processes.
An attribute cure occurs when an attribute, or its absence, causing an illness state is transformed such that it no longer causes illness.
A causal cure occurs when a life process, or its absence, is transformed – added, changed, or removed – on an ongoing basis, such that it no longer causes the illness.
I cured my smoker’s cough by using a dishrag to STOP myself from smoking. Sometimes, stopping a process cures. But the stopped process must be maintained. Of course, if I smoke one cigarette, I won’t get smoker’s cough. But if I begin a daily smoking process again, I will.
An addict’s malnutrition illnesses might be cured by curing their addiction, or by providing healthy meals every day – which, by the way, might also cure their addiction.
A severe case of depression, caused by a constant negative frame of mind, might be cured by daily meditation. Over time, that meditation, that causal cure, might shrink and become a natural part of the patient’s life – invisible to doctors
Are Missing Cures Permanent?
We tend to dismiss cures that are not permanent, a simplistic view. A cure might be partial or complete, temporary or permanent – it can even be repeating or chronic.
A cure exists when we have successfully addressed the cause. If the cause occurs again – a new, although similar case of a illness might occur. It’s a new case, because the original cause was addressed, the original illness was cured.
Illnesses and cures only move forward in time, not backwards.
In a case of an attribute cure, if the same or similar causal attribute occurs again, a new illness will occur. It’s a new illness because the original illness was cured. Colds and flu don’t go into remission. They are cured. Later, we might get a new cold or a new case of the flu.
Likewise, with each causal illness cure, if the process is changed again, either back to the problem state or forward to a new problem state, a new case of illness can occur. It’s a new illness because the original cause was addressed. The original illness was cured. Of course, proving a causal illness cured is more difficult than proving an attribute illness cured, but once we understand the concept of causal illness and causal cure – we can do it.
To understand causal cures, preventative cures, we first need to recognize the concept – and then to study it in detail. There is a transition, a gradation between attribute cures and causal cures, based on our perception of the specific illness and the cure applied. Today, however, all causal cures are ignored, dismissed, invisible.
to your health, tracy
Author: A New Theory of Cure.